How to Fix Broken (Powder) Makeup In 3 Easy Steps

STEP 1: Break Your Cracked Powder Even More

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STEP 1: Break Your Cracked Powder Even More
Inside of the powder compact your product originally came in, break up the powder into (even more) tiny pieces using a cotton swab. Spread them across the compact so they’re evenly distributed.
STEP 2: Flatten It Back Into Place

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STEP 2: Flatten It Back Into Place
Place a makeup remover wipe over the broken pieces of powder and press down with your fingers to flatten your product and shape it back into the compact. Lift up the remover wipe to see where you need to apply more pressure to flatten down all the pieces. Continue until the powder is even, flat and — almost — a resembles its OG self.
STEP 3: Clean the Edges of the Palette

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STEP 3: Clean the Edges of the Palette
Clean up the edges of your makeup container with your makeup wipe or a cotton swab, and you’re good to go. Your powder obviously won’t have the pretty design that was imprinted in it before you destroyed it, but your compact will certainly be brought back from the dead (or the bottom of your trash can). You and your highlighter can thank us in the comments.
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