5 Easy Twist Out Tutorials for Natural Hair

December 22, 2021
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By: Makeup.com | Makeup.com by L'Oréal
When done correctly, the twist out, a natural hair technique, gives you the defined, luscious curls and volume you desire. But a bad twist out can be akin to a melted ice cream cone — it can result in a shapeless, frizzy look. The key to nailing a perfect twist out is up for debate, but there are a few beauty influencers who have the technique down and can help you get there, too. Read on for five tutorials to check out if you want to get schooled in the twist out.

How to Maintain Moisture

In this video, Janaé Mason breaks down all the products she uses to achieve soft, well-moisturized twists with a high-shine finish. If you’re worried about your hair drying out during the colder months, this is the tutorial for you.

How to Do a Twist Out on Short Hair

According to Caaliyah Greer, the shorter your hair is, the smaller your sections should be for maximum definition (this also goes for making a twist out last on longer hair too). In this video, she created 23 twists in total! If you’re in need of new natural hair-care products, check out her line, Goddess Curls.

How to Do a Twist Out for Beginners

Struggling to perfect your twist out? Try watching this in-depth step-by-step tutorial by ashhNYC. She recommends twisting as tightly at the roots as possible in order to keep them looking sleek.

How to Maintain a Three-Strand Twist 

Influencer @theesperanzamaria calls the twist out her go-to style. In this video, she not only shares the technique she’s perfected (which involves creating very small sections), but also how to maintain it throughout the week.

How to Get Major Definition

If you have 4C hair, you’re going to want to watch this easy twist-out video by Joy Navon. She specifies in her takedown method that it’s important to untwist the sections in the opposite direction you initially twisted them in.
Photo: @theesperanzamaria

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