Find Your New Fragrance: 6 Signature Scents for 2021

May 19, 2021
By: Ariel Wodarcyk | by L'Oréal

Is a signature scent not one of the most glamorous things a person can have? Growing up, I always wondered what mine would be. I watched my grandma spray herself with the same blue-capped citrus scent every time I was at her house, and I buried my nose in the perfume ads of every magazine. Come to find out I’m too indecisive to ever choose just one fragrance to be my signature scent — as the seasons change and new releases roll out, I get an itch to spritz something new. Below are the six fragrances on my radar this spring with major signature scent potential, in case you are ready to commit. 

Photographer: Chaunte Vaughn

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